Photo Post: Realty with personality

I recently posted about the type of clients I like to work with most over on Facebook:

Bold, offbeat, think-outside-the-box type of people. The people who are helpers. Who heal. Who are in business not just for logistical reasons but so that they can use their knowledge and expertise to lift others up. People who aren’t about competition but all about community. The ones who march to the beat of their own drummer and dance randomly in grocery stores. The belt-out-your-favorite-song people and the speak-your-mind people. The ones who want to be honest but kind, fierce but gentle. The pop culture referencing, speaking in movie quotes, smiling at strangers type of people.


And when I tell you that most of my clients are these people… I guess my personality has just drawn them in.


Over the summer I had the opportunity to work with my first realtor client to update her branding images: Claire Maloney. She is all the things listed above and more, and she was a freaking blast. She danced, laughed at herself, and wanted to showcase her spunky and sassy side. I was all for it.

So we headed out to the sand dunes and took some gorgeous sunny pictures with flowers and disco balls (while sweating our asses off). She danced, she sparkled, we laughed. Then we packed up and went to downtown Kennewick where Claire spends a lot of her time. We took over the Rockabilly patio and had some fun enjoying their coffee and laughing at the passersby who shouted complements at Claire as she posed for the camera. At that point we were both hot and starting to lose steam, so we made our way to the final location: an air-conditioned model home . There, we got pictures of Claire making margaritas, enjoying a glass of wine, working on her laptop, and relaxing.

This was such a fun branding session, because each location was so different that we were able to capture so much of Claire’s personality and what makes her amazing and unique. She wasn’t afraid to laugh at herself or change her outfit in the middle of the desert. We had a blast.

Her pictures turned out phenomenally. Here are just a few:


Let’s have some fun together creating a gorgeous gallery like this for your business!

I’d love to find out more about you and what you do, so I can customize a package just for your business. Click the button below!


Great branding and visibility


How to get your best headshot