Content Creation for Women

Creating content is difficult for a lot of us.

What do we post? Where do we get good pictures? Are our phone pictures okay? Will this resonate with our audience?

It’s overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

As I’ve talked about in previous articles, which you can find here and here, professional branding photography is important for anyone building a business, a personal brand, or any sort of professional online presence. The benefits are immense, but the price tag can be too. Especially for someone who’s still building, without a huge marketing budget.

This is why I’ve started hosting (almost) monthly group branding sessions for women.

These sessions give you a chance as an entrepreneur to get updated branding images for a small fraction of the typical price. But even better, they give you a chance to have some fun with other women who are also building their brand. To connect, to bond, to “network” and share in your journeys.

Because doing this alone sucks.

Each of these group sessions is a little bit different, as I move around to various businesses in the Tri-Cities. We’ll meet at coffee shops, gift and clothing boutiques, event venues, and I’m hoping some other fun places around the area. This not only gives us fun new locations to shoot at, but helps me support local businesses by compensating them for their space or the products you get as part of your session fee.

Here is a rundown of upcoming events:

Saturday, June 17th


Saturday, July 15th

11:00AM – 1:00PM

Studio Bespoke Richland, WA

1393 George Washington Way Ste 3

Investment: $229

This location is a yoga, dance, and event studio, so it is the perfect space for wellness professionals to come together. This session will be focused on body movement, wellness, and energy work but all business owners are welcome to attend if the location calls to you.


  • Individual mini branding session

  • Group images if needed, using the other women present as models

  • Refreshments

  • Connection and networking with other women

  • Quick turnaround – within 2 weeks of session

  • Gallery of 20+ images to choose from

  • 8 digital downloads of high resolution pictures

  • Options to purchase additional digitals if desired

 As I schedule more of these sessions, they will be added to this article. Check back soon for some more fun events!

If you own a brick-and-mortar business that you absolutely love the vibe of and you want to chat about getting on my calendar as another group branding location, I would love to connect! Send me an email or contact me on Instagram @JKPhotosWA and we can discuss all the details.


VIP Group Branding #1: Photos from the session


Richland Players, new and improved: Photos from the session