Richland Players, new and improved: Photos from the session

I love artsy things.

Crafting, painting, music, theater… obviously photography. 😉

So when I get an opportunity to work with a creative organization I jump at the chance. Creating images of people expressing themselves through their chosen craft is an uplifting feeling for me. My art, is showcasing their art, to share with the world. How fucking awesome is that?


Which is why, in 2022 when one of the board members for the Richland Players Theater reached out to me to chat about a lifestyle shoot to help market the theater and their shows… I was more than thrilled. They were looking for a way to showcase the remodel of the theater lobby, their new refreshment options, and the welcoming atmosphere of the theater.

We made out a plan:

We would bring in models by asking community members to volunteer a couple of hours of their time to be featured in these pictures. The goal was to showcase that all were welcome at Players Theater and that there wasn’t a dress code or an age limit. From a girl’s night out, to date night for couples of all ages, to taking your kids to experience a live theater performance: theater is for everyone.

Members of the community showed up in spades. We had so many models that the lobby was full and I could hear laughter and people connecting throughout the session. It was more than just a photoshoot, it was a fun outing in itself!

This session was such a change from what I usually do, with the dark theater and the “night life” feel of it all. But we all had so much fun and everyone was easy to work with. We got some beautiful pictures of all the things the board wanted to capture.

Some of my favorites:


 When you’re ready to schedule your branding session, reach out. I’d love to create something beautiful for you!


Content Creation for Women


10 steps to planning your custom branding photography session