5 Steps to Prepare for your Branding Photography Session

Your branding session is a big deal. The pictures you’re going to get during your session are going to represent your business and brand for at least the next few months, if not the next year. So it makes sense that you want to make sure it all works out the way you plan.


A lot of my clients aren’t sure where to start, and some of them know exactly what they want. Whichever camp you fall into, even if you’re somewhere in the middle, I’ve compiled a list of 5 tips to prepare for your branding photography session.


1. Make sure the day is scheduled out – and confirmed.

From makeup to hair stylist to the locations you’ll be shooting, you should have an estimated time for each. Make a list on your calendar of the times you’ll need to be at each appointment and each shoot location. If you’re renting a space for the session, double check the contract to be sure you have your

Many branding photographers (myself included) will provide you with an estimated timeline of the day if there are multiple locations, so that you have an idea of what to expect. If only 1 location, you’ll have your start time for your session all set.


2. Drop your Pinterest illusions.

If you’re using a Pinterest board for inspiration, by all means DO IT. But leave your expectations on the board. The models you see on Pinterest and Google are curated to look a certain way and they’re usually just that: models. Regular people don’t typically look like that. Your inspiration boards should inspire you and give you some posing, prop, and location ideas. Trying to recreate another artist’s work is never a good idea, so give your photographer the ideas and let them put their creative spin on it.


3. Take advantage of the planning tools your photographer provides.

Whether they give you a full story planning guide (like my clients get), a wardrobe or planning consultation (my clients also get these), or any other workbooks or guides. USE THEM. The price of these extras are worked into the photographer’s packages, so don’t feel like you’re taking up their valuable time. You are their client, their job is to capture you in the best way they can. For business branding that means knowing your brand and what you’re looking for. It’s literally our job to support you in planning and executing your session.

4. Prep your wardrobe and props at least 3 days before the session.

Why not the night before?

Because picture this. You’re packing up the night before, pulling out the pieces you’re going to wear and the little fun props you want to incorporate. Suddenly you realize your favorite blazer is at the dry cleaners, that dress you wanted to wear has a broke zipper, and the vase you were going to use that’s the perfect color for your brand has a crack down the side. Now it’s the night before and you’re down 2 outfits and an important prop. If you would have done this 3 days ago you could have picked up your blazer, found a new vase, and possibly fixed that zipper.

So pack early, and pack extra. In the moment you may change your mind about what you want to wear, so bring extra clothing items that you can easily switch out for other pieces.


5. Work on your mindset

I think this might be one of the most important things.

Some people call it mindset trash. Others call it shutting up your inner mean girl. I call it self-love. Whatever you call it, this is an important step. If you walk into your session ready to be down on yourself and feel like an imposter, chances are you’re not going to enjoy yourself. Which often leaves a negative feeling about the session, and when you get your gallery back you hate your pictures because that negative association is carved in the stone of your mind. I don’t care how good the photographer is, if you’re miserable during your session it’s highly possible you’ll hate the finished product.


If you come into it ready to face your insecurities, with a plan in mind and excited to showcase your brand… something magical happens. You have fun. Then you develop this beautiful, positive association in your brain with the session, and when you get your gallery back BOOM. You love every picture.

So much of feeling beautiful is about mindset. Do that work.

Now, go do that mindset work, book your session, and nail those branding photos!


Now, go do that mindset work, book your session, and nail those branding photos! 😘

When you’re ready, I’d love to work with you. Get started by booking a call here.


Group Branding #2: Photos from the session


Goddess Retreat Event: Reflections and pictures