Branding Photography with a Latina financial coach


Luzy and I happened to be in the same group coaching program, and out of the hundreds of people in that program we were the only 2 in the same town. So naturally, we met up for coffee one day and talked about what we do and our dreams and visions for our businesses and a little about our lives, and we were fast friends. She’s so amazing to talk to because she always has ideas for how to think bigger and take big steps toward the success you see for yourself.

When she asked me if I would take her branding photos for the new vision she had for her business, I was honored and so excited to start working with her!


Luzy is a financial coach, and she helps Latina and underserved women decolonize their money mindset and begin a financial journey to build generational wealth. She helps empower them to create the financial security and success for themselves that Latina women often aren’t taught they can have. I jumped at the chance to work with a badass woman of color empowering other women of color to also be badasses and to take control of their lives.

Woman wearing a goddess crown and ballgown, in front of a black wall with gold brocade design

At the time of her reaching out to me, she was working on a sort of rebranding for her business. She was going from a more traditional idea of the buttoned-up financial advisor to a more fun and relatable financial coach. She was upgrading her marketing to be more authentically her, and to show that conversations around money can be fun. Her vision was to create pictures that showed Goddess vibes as well as her new podcast and her group coaching program. It was a lot to pack in, but we DID the damn thing.

Together, we created a vision for her branding photography session and narrowed down the stories she wanted to showcase. We talked models, location, style, and vibe, and by the end of our planning call we had all the main logistics worked out. Since she wanted to do some of her pictures in a studio with a very specific vibe and the rest at her house with her daughters and in her home office, we decided to split the session into 2 days. We’d spend 1 piece in studio and a few weeks later we’d spend time in her home.

When I tell you that Luzy is gorgeous and sweet and amazing to work with… that’s all understated. She was a blast and knew exactly what she wanted, which made my job even easier. The outcome was a gallery full of goddess energy mixed with CEO badass energy mixed with strong mom energy. You have to see it to get the full picture. And although there are just a few in this gallery, we got over 200 final images for her to choose from.

Take a look at some of my favorites in the page dedicated to her project over in my portfolio.

And when you’re ready to book your branding photography session, click here. We’ll schedule a consultation (for free) either via zoom or in person if you’re local to the Tri-Cities, WA and talk all about your business, your vision, and how I can help you bring it all together. Or if you’re ready to just book that consultation already, click the button below.


4 Benefits of Professional Branding Photography


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