Be a VIP Content Creator

If you follow me on social media you know by now about my VIP Group Branding session. If you don’t, or you just want to know more, let’s catch you up!


Friday, March 3rd from 10:00am until 1:00pm

Ven-You in Kennewick, WA

Open to women in business in the Tri-Cities

Cost: $279

To register, click the link below and scroll to the last page of the document. There, select “click here to start”. Fill out and submit the form, and you will receive a follow up email with the invoice and contract for the session. Your registration isn’t complete until those are signed/paid!

The good stuff

Women in business will gather, connect, network, laugh, eat, and dance.

And we’ll get pictures.

Each attendee will receive:

  • Mini branding session

  • Updated headshots

  • Content to use on socials

  • Behind the scenes pictures – bring your props, tools, and supplies!

  • Pictures working with “clients” (cue: the other women in the shoot!)

  • A full viewing gallery within a week of the session

  • 10 digital images to download from the gallery

  • Options to purchase additional images

But you need to do all the things first…

I’ve heard it all.

You need to save up so you can get a new wardrobe for it. You need to lose weight. You need to hire a dermatologist. You need to find a makeup artist and a hairdresser and book them both for that morning. You can’t afford all that at once so it’ll be a while. You’re just not ready for that step quite yet. Selfies are fine for now. Maybe next year.

I’m here to tell you that none of that matters.

The people who are going to hire you want to see the authentic you. They want to see emotion. They want to see what you do, how you do it, and how you’re going to make them feel when they hire you. If you’re totally done up to the point that when they sit down to meet you for the first time they think they’re talking to someone different than the person they’ve been seeing in your pictures… that’s a problem.

So don’t keep putting it off. There will always be something stopping you. Today, give yourself permission to ignore all the reasons you need to wait and think about all the reasons you need to just go for it.


  • Showing up authentically

  • Being visible to your followers

  • Having a set of images to choose from without having to waste time trying to get that perfect shot

  • Showing followers how approachable you are

  • Drawing in your ideal clients

  • Making your content creation easy


Listen I understand if a full branding session is one of those things you need to save for. It’s a big investment. Worth it. But big. So this VIP Group Branding session will give you a taste of what it’s like to work with me, help you grow your network, and give you a solid starting point for your beautiful gallery of content.

Register now. It’s going to be a blast.

I’ll see you there!


Branding Photography with a Latina financial coach


Guest Post: Picture Perfect - the difference a professional photographer can make