Loving Yourself and Why That Matters

As women, we constantly feel like we’re juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, leaving little time to focus on our own well-being. But self-care and self-love are not just trendy buzzwords—they are essential practices that can lead to a healthier and happier life. While they are closely related, understanding the distinction between the two can help us cultivate a more fulfilling and balanced life.


What is Self-Care?

Self-care refers to the actions and practices we engage in to maintain our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. It can include all the luxury and pampering that’s often associated with the term “self-care”, but that’s not all of it. It's about prioritizing our needs and taking steps to nurture our body, mind, and spirit. This can include exercising, eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and setting aside time for things that bring you joy. Self-care also involves seeking medical care when needed, managing stress, and creating a balanced lifestyle that supports our overall health.


What is Self-Love?

Self-love, on the other hand, is an internal process. It involves developing a positive relationship with ourselves, embracing our strengths and weaknesses, and treating ourselves with the same kindness and compassion we give to the people we love. Self-love is about recognizing our worth, setting healthy boundaries, and making choices that honor our values and desires. It's the foundation of our self-esteem and confidence, allowing us to accept ourselves unconditionally.


How Self-Care and Self-Love Work Together

Self-care and self-love are intertwined, and they work together to create more balance in our lives. Self-care is an expression of self-love; when we take the time to care for ourselves, we acknowledge our worth and prioritize our needs. On the other hand, cultivating self-love makes it easier to practice self-care because we believe we deserve it. When we practice self-care and learn to love ourselves, it makes it easier to enjoy our lives and do the things we’re meant to do.


Research-Backed Benefits of Proper Self-Care

Reduced Stress and Anxiety: According to a study published in the journal of Mindfulness, mindfulness-based self-care practices can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels. Engaging in activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindful walking can help calm the mind and lower cortisol levels, the body's primary stress hormone.

Improved Physical Health: Research published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine suggests that regular self-care activities, such as exercise and proper nutrition, can improve cardiovascular health, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses. These practices contribute to overall physical well-being and longevity.

Enhanced Mental Health: A study from the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that individuals who prioritize self-care, including adequate sleep and relaxation, experience better mental health outcomes. Proper self-care practices can reduce symptoms of depression and increase overall life satisfaction.

Embracing Self-Care and Self-Love

Remember, self-care and self-love are not selfish; they are necessary pieces of a healthy, balanced life. By taking care of ourselves, we’re ensuring that we have enough to give to continue supporting others and contribute positively to the world around us. So, take a deep breath, listen to your needs, and give yourself the care and love you deserve. You are worth it.

Self-Love Retreat

At my annual Self-Love Women’s Retreats, I bring in experts in different areas of self-care and provide you with resources, tools, and support to begin your journey toward Self-Love.

This year, we will have several experiences throughout the day that will help you heal, learn about self-care practices, and connect with yourself and other women who are ready to lift you up.

Life Coach Rachael Go will be presenting on the importance of Intrinsic motivation and how you can make the time for self-care.

Nutrition Coach Lena Garza will be walking you through her body-bonding workshop, about identifying ways your relationship with your body has been disrupted, and getting back to loving and nurturing her in a positive way.

Doctor Irene Luc will be taking you through breathwork and somatic exercises that will help you reconnect your mind, body, and spirit and begin to heal yourself from traumas.

Keena Santo Tomas will be providing a healing sound bath ceremony at the end of the day, to finish out the day of heart work with relaxation and rejuvenation.

Jamie Kincaid (that’s me!) will be providing you with a mini self-love portrait session, where you’ll get to step into your most authentic self and feel beautiful and powerful.

This life-changing day is exactly what you need.

You have until this Sunday to register with the Besties special.

Bring your bestie, business partner, sister, mom, aunt… whatever woman you want to walk through this experience next to. When you both register and list each other’s name in the Besties Special box, you’ll automatically get $100 off BOTH registrations.


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