4 Tips to tell your business stories

When you’re making an investment in your business you want to be sure that it’s worth it. So planning your stories out in advance when you book your branding photography session is a non-negotiable. In fact, this should be one of the things your photographer helps you do as part of their package. It’s an important aspect in creating the wardrobe, set, and flow of the shoot as well as an essential factor in what you’re conveying to your clients and followers.

 So let’s talk through all things stories.

First of all, what are they?

The stories in your sessions are the different aspects you want to showcase about you and your business. If you’re a life coach you’ll want to showcase yourself creating your course or podcast or whatever other media you use, your one on one or group sessions if you do things in person, and maybe a more personal story to humanize yourself for followers. You’re not all business, you also have a family and social life and showing those is a great way to show people that you’re relatable.

Your stories should be fluid and speak life into your business. No more stiff, posed, boring smiles for the camera. 

Next let’s talk about how exactly you’ll tell your stories so they speak to your audience. Click on each heading to learn more.

  • Your stories should flow together, so that when you post a picture from your “meeting with clients” story one day, and your “going out for coffee” story the next, they still look like they belong on the same page. The best way to do that is to have 1 photographer take your images so the style of pictures are all the same, which if you’re hiring a professional that’s already taken care of. Another great way to ensure they all flow is to add little pops of your branding colors into each picture. This doesn’t mean wearing the same colors, but maybe strategically placing some flowers in the background, or some branded notebooks on the desk, little things can really bring all the images together.

  • This is a major piece of branding. If you’re not sure who you’re selling to you don’t know how to present your products or services, or yourself, in a way that gets people to hire you. It’s one thing to have personality in your pictures, but if your personality is totally off-the-wall and you’re trying to sell to a very conservative demographic, you’re going to have some problems. Make sure that whatever you decide to share with your audience is something that will resonate with them and the problem you’re solving for them.

  • Yes, you want to market yourself to your ideal clients. But you also want to feel good in what you’re wearing! Choose outfits that make you feel like YOU. Do you wear a ton of color? Color it up, girl. Do you like lowcut tops but are afraid they’re too risqué for your professional pictures? Throw that mindset out the window. If an outfit makes you feel powerful, wear it. You want to bring out your best pieces and your favorite accessories to go with them. Your personality is what is drawing people to buy from you, embrace that. As long as what you’re wearing isn’t going to discourage your ideal client from hiring you, go wild with it.

    Side note on this one: even if you work in a super conservative, buttoned up, no personality allowed industry, there’s always a market for what you offer. If your thing is to be the person standing on the outside of that crowd and putting some quirkiness into an otherwise not exciting topic, embrace that.

  • When you look at marketing pictures, what’s one thing you always notice?

    The people in the pictures are ALWAYS laughing and having a great time.

    Who knew yogurt could be so fun?

    But really, if you’re feeling nervous and stressed out during your session it’s going to be harder for you to feel good about the pictures once they’re complete. Even if you have a great photographer who captures some awesome images, YOU are going to remember those negative feelings and it will make it harder for you to like them. So loosen up, do some breathing exercises, get vulnerable with your photographer about your blocks and let them help you through it. That’s part of their job. 😉

There are so many small details that can help make your branding photos tell your stories. When you work with me for branding sessions I provide a guide that helps walk you through how to pick the stories you want to tell and then plan for those stories. I also talk it all over with you beforehand so we have a clear plan of what the session will look like and what you should expect. I try my best to ease any tensions by having our consultation where you get to know me and figure out if we mesh well, with no obligation to purchase from me until you’ve decided I’m a good fit. At those consultations I also get to know you, your goals for your business, what drove you to do this business, and more about your personality so I can capture that in your images.

If you’re ready to book your consultation, click the link below and let’s get started. I can’t wait to buy you a coffee and get to know you!


How to make the most of your portrait session (self-love edition)


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