What is branding photography and why do you need it?

How often have you seen someone talking about branding photography and thought: I don’t get it. What’s branding photography and why would I need it?

I hear you. Before I started offering branding photography sessions I had no idea that there was a difference between typical portraits or headshots and a full branding session. And I didn’t know how I would use the photos if I did have them done.

Today, I’m going to lay it all out. What branding images are, why you need them, and how you can use them to leverage your business and grow your network.

Traditional Headshots

Traditional portraits are posed in front of a backdrop. They’re simple and have that classic look that every person working in an office has had. They’re a smiling face against a blue backdrop that looks exactly like every other person in the office. In other words: they’re boring.


Branding Photography

Lifestyle branding images showcase the heart of your business and work. They embrace the quirks that make you unique instead of pushing them aside. Each image tells a piece of a story, and when put together – like in a social media feed or a website – they tell a larger story of your business.

These pictures show people using your products, the staff who makes up your business interacting with one another and with clients, and the ways in which your business is different, unique, exceptional. Of course, you still get headshots in the mix. But rather than a stiff smile in front of a plain backdrop you have an authentic smile in a place you feel comfortable.

In other words: lifestyle branding images take “they look nice” to “wow, I want to work with them!”

 So why do you need them?

Great question. You need them so that people WANT to follow your social media channels or peruse your website or read what’s on your flyer. You need them so that the next time you need to create an ad you can just open your digital file folder and pick an image to use instead of taking time out of your already busy schedule to search Google for a stock image, find and book a photographer, or figure out how to get a perfect picture on your own with your phone.

Most of all, you need these pictures so that you can boost your marketing and humanize your business. Because these days, people want to know where they’re spending their money. As humans we debate, we research, we budget. You want that kickass picture of yourself laughing in your office or making your products to be top of their minds, so that when they’re ready to spend their hard-earned money, your business is the first one they think of. Not only that, but having 1 branding session with the same photographer provides a fluid set of images that all have the same style and vibe and make everything you create look more polished, like it truly goes together.

On top of branding sessions providing ease and reducing stress around your marketing images, they also offer variety. No more using the same old tired headshot for every advertisement, now you’ll have dozens to choose from. Mix it up. Use a serious picture one day and a silly one the next. Show people how multi-faceted and amazing you are. Make them want to learn more!

 How do you use branding pictures?

Once you have your images, you can use them in a myriad of ways. Here are just a few, but you can get creative with them and use them in more industry-specific ways too!


Update the pictures on your website so that you have a fresh, fluid look for visitors. Make each page visually appealing with gorgeous pictures of you, what you do, and who you help. And better yet: no more boring stock images (that everyone else is also using) from internet searches.

Social Media

Many businesses have shifted their marketing toward social media. It’s the place people are hanging out online, and now more than ever they’re purchasing directly from social media pages. You want your content to pop, so having that fluid set of images is going to help that happen. Remember when I mentioned keeping your face at the top of people’s minds? This is where that comes in.

For example, I was looking to buy a purse. Nothing fancy, but I had very specific things I wanted and I don’t spend a lot of money on myself so when I do, I research a TON. So I did what so many of us have started doing: a quick Google search and then waited for the tiny spies in my phone to do the rest. 😉 Within a few hours, my Instagram targeted ads were ALL purses. Every 3rd post was a company selling purses. And the ones I clicked on to see more of? Yup, they were all the ones with appealing images.


If you’re utilizing a mailing list, having exciting new images to share each time you send them a message really appeals to the visual buyers in your list. Those people who don’t want to read a lengthy email but see a beautiful picture that draws them in and makes them want to know what you’re selling! Or the people who are willing to read all your copy but that gorgeous picture of you behind the scenes tips them over the line between “thinking about it” and “where’s that buy button?”

Print ads

I know, these are old school. But stick with me here.

Flyers for events, business cards, billboards, they get more attention when the images are professional and beautiful. If the flyer has boring, poorly lit, or badly staged images many people won’t even read what’s on them. So make sure yours are gorgeous with professional images.

So there you have it. Branding photography is more than a headshot. It’s more than a portrait. It’s a set of beautifully curated images that speak to your audience by showcasing your brand and humanizing your business. It’s taking the stress of finding the perfect image each time you need to advertise your business off your shoulders. It’s giving you your time back. It’s making you feel gorgeous. It’s all these things. So what are you waiting for?


Have any questions? You can always email me at jamie@jkphotoswa.com if you want to learn more.

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