Photoshoot in Puerto Rico: Group Branding and Growth

Have you ever invested in yourself in a big way

and then suddenly realized “holy shit, there’s no turning back now.”

That’s how I felt after I bought my ticket for the 2024 Hello 7 ROI Conference. I spent so long debating on whether I wanted to spend that money that I literally purchased my tickets within hours of the early bird price going up by $1,000. That was in February of 2023, and I figured I had a whole 11 months to prepare for it.

Let me tell you, 11 months goes by faster than you’d expect.

It felt like I had barely bought my ticket when it was time to figure out how I was going to get there and where I was going to stay. Luckily, Hello 7 started a FB group specifically for attendees of the conference to “meet” each other and interact beforehand. So I jumped in there and found a group of women who wanted to rent a luxury Airbnb together.

Luxury, you say?

Turns out, this house was so big that 10+ women could stay in it and after breaking down the cost it was less expensive than renting a hotel room for the week. Done and done. I soon found myself in a group chat and adding “get to know you” details about myself into a spreadsheet.

Now, I am 37 years old and this was the first trip I had ever taken on my own, without the intention of meeting someone I already knew when I arrived. I’d be staying with total strangers. This was a whole new adventure for me. And I was fucking terrified.

I decided that I may as well step even further outside my comfort zone, and plan a group branding session while I was there. Marketing a photoshoot in a location 3,000 miles away that I’ve never been to, to a bunch of people earning multiple 6 figures, was something I never thought I would be doing.

But I did it scared, y’all.

I had 1 person sign up. 1 person. But I was excited anyway.

On my travel day, I was extra anxious and a little terrified. It was a LONG day, with 2 layovers and a 3 hour time difference. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and anxious. As I stepped into the shared space where several of the women were already gathered, I felt like I was going to cry. I chatted with them for a while, and 2 more women asked to join the group session.

I had 3 people! Win! Then I went into my room to go to bed, called my husband and had a good cry, and he reminded me of the badass bitch that I am. So I went to bed and after a good night’s sleep I was feeling excited and ready to take on this session.

These ladies BROUGHT it. We had so much fun that what was supposed to be a 2 hour session turned into an entire afternoon. We explored different areas of the house, took some group shots, and I spent extra time just pouring into these gorgeous ladies.

And these were the results:


So when I say that my group branding sessions are fire, you better believe it. 😉 These women walked away excited and raving about how good I made them feel. They were so excited that I offered this while we were all together, and I got a ton of love after I sent them their galleries too.

In fact, I bonded so hard with one of them that we still text each other randomly and stay in touch with each others lives.

The power of connection is so strong.

Let’s create community together.

My next group branding session is in 2 days.

It’s $329 to join. You can see all the details here.

If you can’t make this one, keep your eyes peeled for one in the fall!


Quarterly Planning for Entrepreneurs


Your Guide to Branding Photography with JK Photos