Quarterly Planning for Entrepreneurs

If you haven’t already, it’s time to plan your Q3 goals for 2024

I know, this is bonkers.

Let’s talk about what that looks like so that you’re not feeling like you’re chasing your tail when July rolls around and you have no idea what to do.

Your People

It’s important to know who you’re selling to. If you’re saying “I’m selling to everyone!” that’s super awesome, but I know that you had a specific person in mind when you started your business. That person you wanted to help more than anything. The one who spoke to you. The one who you knew needed you most. The person who’s unique quirks are just your vibe.

Who is that person?

Example: My person is a quirky woman in her 30s or 40s who is doing things outside the norms. She’s breaking societal standards, she’s dancing to the beat of her own drummer, she’s ripped up her cool card and is learning how to live her most authentic life. She’s a little loud, a little strange, and has a personal style all her own. She’s a community minded woman who loves to give back, and believes in the idea of community over competition.

Does this sound a lot like me? That makes sense, because my ideal client is a lot like me.

But yours doesn’t have to be just like you.

So open up a notebook and write down exactly who you want to serve.

If someone hires you outside that ideal client definition: GREAT! But you need to be talking to someone in your marketing, so it’s important you figure out who that person is.

Picture of a woman standing out in the sand dunes holding brightly colored flowers, dancing and smiling.


You don’t have to plan every post and every newsletter ahead of time.

In fact, some of the posts that have gotten the most views and engagement on my social media accounts have been spur of the moment posts I got inspired to make. BUT having a general plan of what you will be marketing each week, the types of posts you want to make, and the message you want to send helps keep you on track and away from feeling like you have no idea what you’re doing.

And please, for the love of all that is good, don’t just post something useless just for the sake of getting a post out there. Make sure everything you put out into the world helps educate, inspire, or sell.

Woman sitting at a desk with her hand under her chin, looking at the laptop screen in front of her.
Picture taken behind a woman who's sitting at a kitchen island with her computer in front of her. She's turned to look at the camera behind her, with her hands on her keyboard.

Content Pillars

A lot of people don’t know what this means. If you’re a business owner or marketing person in the current social media world, you need to understand what it is.

Content pillars are the types of content you’re going to be talking about.

For example: someone who sells artisan soaps might have the content pillars of Educating their audience on their products, showing how the product is made, making their audience laugh, and sharing about events and specials coming up.

Having these listed out helps you stay focused. Your content comes off as more fluid, and your marketing gets a whole lot easier.

Creating assets

What are the assets you’ve created in your business?

This might be infographics, client workbooks, helpful quizzes, worksheets for courses, your marketing images, video clips, copy that has shown effective, and really anything else that supports the goals of your business.

Create these, keep them in a file that’s easy to find, organize them, and then USE them!

Regularly. All the time. On repeat.

Did this help you get your head on straight?

Do you have a plan now for how you’re going to approach Q3?

Let’s create those marketing assets together.

I can help you get some kickass pictures and video content that speaks to your audience, tells your stories, and helps make your process a lot easier. 


Working with JK Photos for Branding Photography


Photoshoot in Puerto Rico: Group Branding and Growth