Headshots on repeat

As 2023 has begun – I can’t believe we’re almost through March – I’ve really leaned into custom packages. I recognized as I sent my branding guide out to different small business owners and companies that the needs of each organization simply can’t be shoved into 1 base package. Instead, I’ve begun getting to know the wants and needs of each inquiry and then sending them a custom package, with all the details of their personalized options, 2-3 investment levels, and the reminder that the listed info is further customizable wherever they see the need.

I love this option. Not only because each company has different needs, but also because I feel like it allows for those small business owners who don’t have a $2,000+ budget to get a sort of “mini” branding session customized to them and the level they’re able to commit to at the given time. Plus, it allows for them to get more regular small sessions until they can afford a full branding session later on down the line.


One of the companies I’ve worked with to create a custom package for is Home Care Solutions, a local company that provides in-home care services. Their team is constantly growing and as they add more people to their office staff and care team they book me to come in and take several people’s headshots at once. It’s been so much fun getting to know some of their team and hang out every couple of months with more of them. I’ve even connected with a few via email or social media for other projects or events that I’m hosting. How freaking cool is that?


Here are some samples of the headshots I’ve taken for them.

So now my question to you is, are you ready for your custom branding session? Click the button below and send me the details of what you do. I’d love to create something beautiful for you.


Creating content in a funky boutique


Self-Love Women's Retreat: 2023