Pride 2022

This was just going to be a post on Facebook, but I have so much more to say.

Pride is always a beautiful time.

I’m proud to attend every year and show my allyship and my support,

To teach my daughter love and acceptance of both her fellow humans and herself, whoever she grows up to be or love.

Pride is full of laughter and colors and sparkles and community and love.

So. Much. Love.

But it also has it’s ugliness.

Like the bigots who walk through all that love and try to spread their hate.

Because evil takes many forms, and Saturday… Saturday it took the form of assholes holding picket signs.

Do they know they’re telling people their lives are less-than when their Bible tells them that nobody is without sin?

Do they know they could be the cause of a suicide someday?

Do they know they’re giving Christians a bad name, pushing people further from their religion with every protest?

It’s a sad reality that I have to explain to my daughter as we walk into a celebration of love that some people have hate in their hearts but that she needs to remember that they’re wrong. That I have to explain to her that no matter what the signs say, she is loved unconditionally and she can continue to be open and honest with us as she figures out who she is. That she is loved by all of the powers of the universe no matter what.

But of course, she already knew all that.

 In fact she said “like Taylor Swift says” in reference to the picket signs: 

“Sunshine on the street at the parade
But you would rather be in the dark ages
Making that sign, must've taken all night

You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace
And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate
'Cause shade never made anybody less gay”

The protesters were a blight on an otherwise beautiful day.

Until the Pride-goers showed up.

Groups of young people draped in various flags representing a piece of who they are followed the protesters around, surrounding them with rainbows and glitter.

Blocking them from spewing their hatred.

Cheering chants of love over the sounds of the hateful rhetoric.

I watched as they exhibited a real life incarnation of the quote:

When hate is loud, love must be louder.

And loud it was.

I am truly impressed as the Pride Festival gets bigger every year. We started attending in 2017 and each year it’s been held there have been more booths, more vendors, more attendants, and more love.

It’s been really cool to see all of the families who come.

All the parents who attend to support and affirm their children.

All the moms who come to offer hugs and encouragement to young people who aren’t accepted at home.

All the couples who walk comfortably hand-in-hand without fear of judgement.

All the friends who join as groups and celebrate each other.

All the dancing and laughter and self-expression.

My hope is that it keeps growing, and evolving, and more people volunteer to help. The more volunteers they have the bigger they can make it.

Right here in the Tri-Cities, it’s amazing to see the community embrace acceptance.

Let’s keep that growing.

All year.

As always, JK Photos remains open to all.

The only thing I discriminate against is assholes. 😉

Here’s a link to the photos I took at Pride. If you find yourself in one and want to download it the PIN is 5268, feel free!

Until next time,



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