The 2024 Women’s Self-Love Retreat: Tri-Cities, WA retreat for women

When was the last time you experienced joy?

Or, better yet, when was the last time you did something for you first? Before your employer, before your partner, before your kids, before your parents…

You. First.

I know what it’s like. I’ve been where you’re at. I spent almost 3 decades of my life never knowing what self-care looked like. Like many of us, I was raised in a culture where the woman takes everything on. From feeding the family to cleaning the house to sacrificing her well-being for everyone around me. And at 31 years old, I looked around and realized that I was doing everyone in my life a disservice.

Which began my self-love journey

Y’all, I was scared. I felt selfish. “Who do I think I am?” kept running through my head. So I read a shit ton of books, I journaled, I did the workbooks and started meditating and set boundaries around my energy at work and at home. I did ALL the things.

And my life started to change.

Now, 6 years later, I can confidently say that I’m a totally different person.

I’m stronger. More resilient. Better centered. Grounded. I can set – and enforce – positive boundaries. I know what treatment I’m willing to accept and what I’m not.

And holy hell am I more joyful.

This is just my story. My journey. And I’m still on it. Still changing, evolving, growing.

It’s not a stagnant thing, self-care. It’s an ever-changing rollercoaster that can feel both overwhelming and freeing, and I want you to have that too.

You deserve to experience all the joy that life has to offer. To be able to take back your time and your energy and tell the world exactly what you need and want. You deserve to put yourself first. You deserve to thrive.

It’s not selfish – it’s necessary.

Since I started this journey, I’ve met a plethora of women who have helped me along the way. And I could not have created this life without them. I could have closed myself off, forced myself to do it alone, never asked for help. But it would have taken me years longer to get to where I am, and eventually, I would have needed to change that behavior.

Connection, community, and the willingness to be vulnerable are invaluable pieces of the self-love journey. Human beings are pack animals. We need each other to be whole.

So here is your chance to have all of that.

My 4th annual self-love women’s retreat is officially scheduled.

It’s 1 full day, packed full of workshops from experts focused completely on your self-care practices, providing tools and resources to start – and expand – your journey, and connection with other women who are also saying:

This is my time.

Picture yourself, learning and growing alongside other women in these shared spaces, having your portrait taken during an empowering photoshoot in a luxury home, and relaxing around the firepit connecting with your new friends.

Retreat Logistics:

September 14th, from 10am until 6pm

Location: Private residence in Richland, WA

  • 3 workshops on self-care to include:

    • Body Bonding: reuniting with your own body and changing your coping responses

    • Intrinsic motivation and goal setting, making the time for self-care

    • The power of meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork to keep your body, mind, and soul connected

  • Light breakfast provided

  • Lunch and dinner provided

  • Individual mini-portrait session focused on helping you feel comfortable in your own body

  • Space to reflect, connect, and rest

  • Access to our online Facebook community of retreat attendees to continue receiving the support, connection, and resources long after the retreat is over

 Cost: $525 for regular-priced tickets.

So what do you think, are you ready?

To walk away from this experience with a renewed sense of self?

To start allowing yourself to experience more joy, balance, and love?

To set clear goals in your world and have the tools to follow through?


Let’s do this. Tickets available now.

Register by 3/20/24 and receive a $50 early bird discount.

Need a payment plan? Those are available too! Simply select the plan that makes the most sense to you when you register.


Glam Senior Photos | Tri-Cities, WA Branding & Portrait Photographer


Photo Post: Selfie Studio