Tri-Cities, WA Branding Photographer
This is the place to go to find tips on branding your business and practicing self-care, creating content that resonates with your ideal client, and get a peek at some of my projects with real-life business owners just like you!
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Product Photography with JK Photos
A study by VWO (a visual website optimization firm) revealed that websites with high-quality images experienced a 35% increase in conversions compared to those with low-quality images or stock photography.
Let’s be clear: the pictures you take aren’t bad. But bringing in a pro is proven to equal more sales. So if you’re ready to grow your business, sell more products, and earn more money, a professional photographer is an excellent investment.

Photo Post: Pictures from a local restaurant
Locally owned businesses are a blast to work with.
And what’s even better is working with locally owned businesses I LOVE.
The very first time I went to Crepehaus & El Compadre I was amazed. There aren’t a lot of places where a vegetarian, someone with food allergies, and a person on a special diet can all go and get delicious food without ordering off-menu. But the owners, Jackie, Al, and Marvin, have created a space where that can happen.

Pictures good enough to eat
We decided on a day to bring in the entire staff and made it a training day. The kitchen manager worked with his staff to create every meal on the menu exactly as it should be made, giving them a chance to learn without the rush of a full restaurant how. And the general manager came in with his servers so they could see exactly what each meal should look like when they take them out to the table, doubling up on quality control for service. We planned a separate day for bartenders to come in and test out new cocktail recipes and learn the restaurant’s signature drinks.
And I got pictures of it all.