Self-Care Reminders for 2024 (and always) | Tri-Cities, WA Women’s Retreat Host

As we prepare for the end of 2023, I can’t help but think of the people out there who are continuing to ignore their own needs.

So this is for the humans who are struggling. The ones who are pouring into everyone around them. The ones who are just trying to keep their head above water. The overwhelmed, the burned out, the empty cups. The moms or dads doing it alone. Those with unsupportive family members. Those with no family members. Those who have lost loved ones. Those who have almost lost themselves.


You deserve to feel love. You deserve to be lifted up, supported, celebrated, and poured into.

Nobody is coming to save us

| We have to save ourselves |

Nobody is coming to save us | We have to save ourselves |

So today, I want you to think of ONE thing. Just one. That you can do to give yourself a little glimmer of joy. A little uplifting activity or purchase. And go do it.

Then I want you to do the same thing tomorrow. And the next. And the next. It doesn’t have to cost anything, except a little bit of time.

I say this from a place of privilege, and I recognize that. I have never had to raise a child on my own. I have never lost my support system to violence or the prison system or a terminal illness. I have never lost a child. I have always had food on my table and heat in my home.

But I have been in a space where we had to decide which bill was going on the credit card so we could buy groceries. I have been in a space where I was working 3 jobs at once and trying not to ask my parents for help or take out more loans. I have cried over money, stressed over whether my fiancé would return from a war, fallen into a deep, dark depression that I didn’t think I’d come out of.

The thing that helped me overcome this all, the thing that held me up when I could barely hold myself up, was the care (some of) the people around me showed. And eventually, when they pulled me out of the darkness, the care that I gave myself.

Here are some of the ways I did that:

  • Set aside time each day for meditation – started with 5 minutes and now it’s 15.

  • Learned to recognize when I was spiraling and allowed myself to ask for help.

  • Set healthy boundaries with my employer around my availability (not answering texts after 6pm, not attending meetings on the weekends, etc)

  • Committed to walking my dog outside every day reasonably possible – giving myself exercise and fresh air and her exercise and bonding.

  • Worked through the guilty mindset I had over spending money on myself when it was available.

  • Fed my body the nutrients it needs and stayed hydrated

  • Allotted more time for sleep, going to bed earlier instead of scrolling on my phone or watching TV.

  • Found natural ways to help me get more restful sleep.

  • Started a gratitude practice every morning.

  • Invested in my growth through coaching and education – so I didn’t feel like I was doing this alone.

  • Kept open communication with my partner and maintained an equal partnership in household duties and parenting.

  • Removed toxic relationships from my life.


Yes, it’s a long list. I’ve been committed to my own self-care for about 5 years now. I don’t do all of these things all the time, but they’ve all helped me immensely.

So now it’s your turn.

What will you do starting today and continuing on through 2024, to set yourself up for better health, balance, and joy?

Leave a comment on this article and let me know!


And if you’re ready to get updates on my 2024 Self-Love Retreat, sign up for the waitlist and be the first to get ticket information when it’s available.

Even before my subscribers… 😉


Photo Post: Never stop playing


Photo Post: Bee Fused Permanent Jewelry Branding