Tri-Cities, WA Branding Photographer
This is the place to go to find tips on branding your business and practicing self-care, creating content that resonates with your ideal client, and get a peek at some of my projects with real-life business owners just like you!
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Branding and Posing: Tips for your next photoshoot | Eastern WA Branding Photographer
Let’s be real: most people are a little self-conscious in front of the camera. It’s just a fact, especially for women, especially for women who aren’t used to being the center of attention.
Here are some posing tips and tricks to use in your next branding photography session.

3 ways to be more authentic in front of the camera | Tri-Cities, WA branding photographer
Being in front of the camera comes naturally to a lot of people who grew up with smartphones and selfies, but for many of us it still feels weird and uncomfortable. My clients often say that one of the things that has stopped them thus far from getting updated images of themselves is that they feel awkward having their pictures taken. They’re not necessarily self-conscious – although that’s nothing to be ashamed of – but they just don’t know how to be themselves when there’s a camera being shoved in their face.
So today, I’m here to help.
Here are some helpful tips to being more authentic in front of the camera: