Senior Pictures with JK Photos

You did it!

You’re entering your final year of high school.

It’s almost over. Just in time for it all to begin.

As you celebrate the end of this era and prepare for the next, you want some gorgeous pictures to celebrate. To introduce yourself as the soon-to-be adult who’s going to be chasing dreams and changing the world.

But where do you start?

Let’s talk about Location

Here in the Tri-Cities there are a lot of beautiful locations for your senior pictures. For the purpose of this article, I’m going to break down some ideas into indoor and outdoor. I will mention specific locations in the galleries below, but you can use the following ideas as inspiration to find similar locations near you.


Your favorite afternoon hangout – coffee shops, juice bars, bakeries. Where do you and your friends like to go for refreshments, getting schoolwork done, or hanging out and having your favorite drink?

Public Library – perfect for bookworms. If you spend a lot of time reading and studying, your local library is perfect for pictures.

School – are you big into extracurriculars or sports? Why not use your school’s auditorium, gym, hallways, or fields? Make sure you get permission from the administration or your coach/instructor beforehand.

Thinking outside the box – record stores, museums, salons, boutiques, get creative and think of locations that fit your personality. I had a friend during my senior year who’s photographer took her to a laundromat because she was quirky and bright, and this particular laundromat was full of vibrant, colorful décor and had a cool 70’s vibe. It fit her personality perfectly and the pictures were fun and unique.


Gardens – do fields of flowers or garden paths match your vibe? Do you spend time at a local community garden volunteering your time? Or do you like to go to your local garden to hang out with friends or spend time alone? If so, this is a great option for your photos!

Sports – do you play a lot of sports or enjoy outdoor entertainment? Think of your favorite hiking spot, kayaking launch, or running path. Where do you go to practice your sport when school’s out? These are prime locations to help personalize your senior portraits.

Childhood spots – bring in your childhood memories! If your family visited a specific park for picnics, or you had a favorite playground, bring those into your pictures. Embrace those memories.

Wardrobe and Themes

Your senior pictures are supposed to represent your best self. So use that to guide your planning. Wear outfits that make you feel gorgeous and uplifted, and that match your personality. The clothing and theme of your senior pictures should encapsulate who you are and who you’re aspiring to be.

We’re all multi-faceted beings. So bring in different aspects of you to create a range of pictures that show off all those pieces. Wear your sport uniform or performance art costume. Bring your favorite jeans and t-shirt, along with the outfit in your closet that you feel most fancy and glamorous in.  Utilize props that show your interests, from instruments to sport equipment to vintage luggage.

Get creative with your props and outfits, and if you’re unsure on what to bring mention that to your photographer and they’ll be able to provide some direction.

I have openings for senior sessions as we finish up summer and enter into your senior year.

I would love to create with you. When you’re ready, click here:


Product Photography with JK Photos


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